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Automating DCM Processes Really Does Make A Tangible Difference

The question we’re always asked by DCM bankers – why does automating DCM processes with DealPro make such a difference?

As successfully evidenced, with DealPro you will have:

1. Instant access to structured data and analytics delivering reliable/clean, current and historic investor, issuer, deal and orderbook data.

2. Automated work flows delivering savings in time and cost, enabling added value through time spent evaluating and reducing need for 3rd parties.

Imagine the transformation – your DCM teams no longer have to endure time consuming manual processes, with no immediate access to data and analysis, fragmented and unreliable data and inconsistent data distribution.

Developed by a team who really understand the challenges of DCM, DealPro delivers tangible change that will impact not just DCM desks, but their interaction across desks, geographies and their clients.

DealPro. Work Fast. Work Smart.

For more information or to arrange a trial, contact us on

The Finsmart Team